E-blast Submission Form

Please use this form to submit information and images for your upcoming PDX Parent e-blast. If you have scheduled an e-blast package please use this page instead

Before you get started, please keep in mind these tips about composing your e-blast:

E-Blast Subject Line – Be sure it is clear and compelling (approximately 7-15 words); use verbs and action-oriented words (e.g. sign up for an event, visit your website, enroll today, register, call, take a tour, or reserve a space).Primary URL to Link to – A major goal of your email campaign is to have readers click through to a web page. Where would you like to drive most of your traffic? We will link all images to this URL. If you have additional links you also want to point readers to, include them in the body of your text. Add links to interesting and important parts of your text as a way to draw attention and to entice readers to click to your website. Your e-blast text – It is important to have a link in the first half of an email so that readers don’t have to scroll down to take action. Readers generally like concise, easy to scan emails over ones with a large volume of text.

Finally, we recommend writing your e-blast elsewhere (in an email window or word processor) and pasting it into our submission box. This allows you to format some text and also ensures that the text you craft won’t be lost if you click back or something happens to the webpage before you click submit.

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