PDX Parent. May 2016.


Summer’s just around the corner — get a jumpstart on the sunniest season with our May issue, featuring our guide to the best kid-friendly swimming holes in and around Portland. Plus, how to background check your child’s child care like a journalist, five questions for a Grimm star who just happens to be a local mom, and our picks for the city’s best new bagelries.


Play Room
The best sunnies for kiddos, would-be PDX mayors speak up on family issues, and dishing on play spots and diapers bags with a star of Grimm.

Water, Water Everywhere
Our guide to hitting the water with the kids, be it pool, lake, river or ocean.

Is Your Child Care Up To Code?
Insider advice on background checking your child’s daycare or preschool.

Balance Sheet
How to make the most of your transportation dollars.

Field Trip
Hitting the links (or the putting green) around town.

Hands On
A Japanese, paper-marbling technique to try at home.

Daddy Issues
Explaining this year’s topsy-turvy presidential election to a 5-year-old is no easy task.

Family Supper
Talk about a hole-in-one — we cover PDX’s best bagelries.

Recipe File
Peas+parmesan+pasta = perfect.

Editor’s Note

EditorsNote-May16For some people, the holy grail might be free babysitting, or a meal at which your kids eat everything on their plate without complaint. Those things are nice, for sure, but for me, this time of year the holy grail means one thing: that elusive, perfect swimming hole. You know the one I mean: not too far away from Portland, uncrowded (save for a few other families splashing around, preferably with friendly kids the same age as your own), cold but not freezing, safe enough that no one will get swept away by the current, but not so shallow that you can’t submerge. A sandy beach, or flat rocks for lounging and picnicking on are nice, too. Does this Valhalla exist? We sent writer Kat Merck to find out. Check out her finds for kid-friendly lakes, pools, rivers and even the ocean here. Did we miss your favorite? Normally, this is where I’d encourage you to email me at julia.silverman(at)pdxparent.com or share it on our Facebook page (facebook.com/pdxparentonline), but in this case, I suspect you’d rather keep it to yourself.

P.S. When you do find that perfect place to take a plunge — or just are able to steal a few moments to yourself, maybe as a Mother’s Day gift — bring along this month’s issue. There’s lots of good reading in here, from writer Beth Slovic’s piece on background checking your childcare providers like a journalist to our take on where the top mayoral candidates in PDX stand on family-friendly issues. Come on in, the water’s fine.

On our cover













Okay, you got us. This isn’t the same as our cover photo. Here’s the deal: Local photographer Julia Court Jacob has two adorable twin boys. One of them graces this month’s cover, but we couldn’t leave out his brother. See more of Julie’s great work at travelingjulie.com.

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