Visit The Belmont Goats in North Portland

A visit to The Belmont goats is a fun, charming and free way to experience Portland’s quirkiness and get up close (and snap some pics) with these friendly animals.

After moving from Lents Town Center to the University Park neighborhood this winter, The Belmont Goats are open again for visitors! We recently checked out their new green, grassy space.

The Belmont Goats, named for their original home on a vacant lot in Buckman, gained a following in 2012. Once their original lot was set for development, they moved to Lents, where they lived on two separate parcels over four years.

Their new location is less urban than their previous homes. The goats are in a large field dotted with large trees along the Carey Blvd. Greenway in North Portland. For now, there are no large electric cable spools for the goats to climb on. When we visited, they were happy to climb up and relax on picnic tables instead.

The rules are posted at the entrance.

The goats have lots of space to explore and graze on grass. When we visited in March, they mostly preferred to stay near the people, free scratches, sheds, water and hay. With the warmer weather coming, the goats were shedding their overcoats. It was a great time to come because they were even more interested in human attention, scratching and fur brushing.

On a sunny Sunday afternoon, there were many families petting the goats and taking advantage of the cute photo opportunities with the sweet and agreeable herd.

If You Go

Open public hours are generally Saturday and Sunday 11-2. Stay tuned to their social media feeds for any updates. You can always see them through the fence, but an in-person visit is much more fun. Visiting hours will often stop in steady rain (when the goats prefer to remain in their shelter).

Free. Donations accepted for the care and feeding of the goats.

Rules posted at the front gate.

Do not park on N. Syracuse (a short, residential dead-end street.). Instead, park on N. Macrum, which is a wide street with ample parking, and it is a very short walk to the goats.

The neighborhood of St. Johns is about a mile away. This is a great place to stop for a snack or a visit to Cathedral Park.

Michelle Carew
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