Local Art Glass-aFamily Glassblowing Experiances

Local Art Glass-aFamily Glassblowing Experiances

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  3. Local Art Glass-aFamily Glassblowing Experiances
866 North Columbia Boulevard, Portland, OR, USA, ste B202 97217

Looking for something new to do that will create life-long memories? Come blow glass with us! We are Local Art Glass, located in the Pickle Factory in North Portland. We offer several different glass blowing packages for all ages starting at just $75. Work with one of our kind, patient, and knowledgeable glassblowing instructors, to make a piece of blown glass that will last forever. Class options and descriptions are located through our scheduling portal on our website www.localartglass.com. At this moment in time we are only offering classes between 10am - 4pm weekdays, but we will be adding more times as well as weekends as demand increases!

Phone: 9713250868

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