
Fastelavn Nordic Kids Carnival

Nordic Northwest 8800 SW Oleson Rd., Portland, OR

Celebrate the Carnival season in the Nordic fashion with this family-friendly day at Nordia House! Join us for Fastelavn an afternoon of crafts, games, fastelavnsboller, snacks, beverages, hilarities and a costume contest! ​​​​Fastelavn is a Nordic Carnival in which children and adults alike dress up and have fun for a day! This holiday falls before […]


Owl Fest at Tryon Creek

Tryon Creek State Natural Area

Explore the world of owls at Tryon Creek State Natural Area! Take a guided hike, dissect an owl pellet, and connect with our staff and volunteers to learn about owl habitats and HOOO might be living in your own backyard!   SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITIES All Ages Guided Hike: Meet your guide at the Friends Circle 10:30am: Owls […]

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