Sing, Sign & Play @ SWPMA PLAY! In SW Hillsdale

Join longtime educators Lara and Wally Jones in the padded play space of SWPMA PLAY! every Tuesday and Thursday for weekly meetups for littles ages 0-4. *No class on Jan 28th.
This is a calm, clean and welcoming space, where people take the time to visit and play. People can come in as early as 9:00 to play; starting at 9:30, Lara will pull out her ukulele to sing, while Wally helps teach the adults new signs – which center on a theme…or whatever signs caretakers care to learn that day. We share fun books, puppets, parachute time, musical instrument exploration and play simple ASL games, and the children play on age-appropriate toys and equipment to suit their development.
Please pre-register and pay here @ sliding-scale donation, starting at $1: https://southwestportlandmartialarts.com/events/swpma-play/