PDX Parent offers Portland’s most widely-read resources both in print and online for all things families, from the best tips on where to play, eat and shop with your kids to well-researched stories on the health and education issues that matter to you. In our magazine and on our website, and you’ll find great giveaways, guides, reviews and stories that are fun, smart, local and just a little offbeat — just like PDX families.
We’re proud to be a flexible, family-friendly workplace. Learn more about our team here.
PDX Parent is advertiser-supported media. Through the participation of hundreds of local businesses we are able to provide you with what we do for free. Please consider supporting our advertisers when you’re out and about with (or without) your kids. For information about advertising opportunities, click here.
For events calendar submissions, click here to submit an event.
PDX Parent is a proud member of the Parenting Media Association.
For all other inquiries, please email info@pdxparent.com.