Anti-racist Books, Actions and More

Learn, Talk, Support, Donate: A List of Anti-racist Resources


Embrace Race works to build a just and equitable community. Check out their reading lists for kids and webinars for parents. 

This list of books for kids and teens is specifically aimed at white families who want to find a starting point for talking about racial inequality. 

And here’s an anti-racist reading list for grown-ups: Powell’s Black Lives Matter Booklist

Learn about Oregon’s history of police brutality from the Oregon Historical Society. Sign up for their newsletter to get more information as they continue to explore racism in Oregon.


The Center for Racial Justice in Education has a long list of resources for talking to kids about racism.

The National Museum of African American History and Culture put out this excellent guide to talking about race as a family

Author Rebekah Gienapp tells about how to get over the nervousness of talking about race with your children.

Parenting for Liberation helps black parents who are struggling with their own grief over yet another unjust killing of a black man and much more.


Get takeout from black-owned restaurants, like Jamaican Homestyle Cuisine owned by mom Keacean Phillips.

Shop at businesses owned by BIPOC (black indigenous people of color). 


PDX Alliance for Self-Care provides access to crucial self-care services to communities of color and other vulnerable and marginalized groups. They also offer cultural competency continuing education for white practitioners.  

The Black Resilience Fund directly supports black Portlanders.

The Urban League of Portland has long been empowering black children and adults. 

You can also give to national groups fighting for racial justice through Stand Up America.

Denise Castañon
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