“For all the little girls who ever dreamed of going to a ball… or changing the world.”
Hear ye! Hear ye! Don’t miss The Broadway Rose Theater Company production of Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Cinderella. This updated version of the well-known fairytale is playing at the Deb Fennell Auditorium in Tigard now through August 20. Cinderella is a wonderful musical that both you and your kids will enjoy, and this production is top notch. I saw it opening night with my teenage niece, Carla, and both of us were absolutely enchanted.
Filled with gorgeous costumes, dazzling special effects and accompanied by a fantastic 13 piece live orchestra, this retelling of the beloved children’s classic is lovely in every way. New characters, songs and an updated storyline bring the old fashioned, familiar story of Cinderella into the twenty-first century, without taking away any of the fairy-tale romance. The unexpected, modern plot twists keep the story fresh, engaging and interesting.
It’s got a great message you’ll want your little princesses (and princes) to hear. Director Lyn Cramer says the 2013 adaptation of the 1957 original shifted the focus “from ‘love at first sight’ to themes of social justice, charity, generosity, compassion, kindness and… forgiveness.” Cinderella teaches us that if you are kind, stand up for what is right, and you believe in yourself, you can change the world — even when the odds are against you. For, as the Fairy Godmother sings, “Impossible things are happening every day!”
The Broadway Rose’s lavish production features a large cast of talented local actors led by Jennifer Davies (Cinderella), Eric Asakawa (Prince Topher) and Leah Yorkston (Marie, the Fairy Godmother.) Their voices were so beautiful, my niece Carla said, “It gave me goosebumps!” Me, too. Literally — chills went up and down my arms more than once. The script includes what could come off as some very cheesy lines, like “I must find her! She is my destiny!” But the actors were fully committed, believable and likable. One of my many favorites was the very funny Sarah Aldrich as the stepsister, Charlotte. When I asked the little girl sitting at the end of our row who she liked best, she smiled and said, “All of them!”
Cinderella has a run time of two hours and 30 minutes, including one intermission, but it moves along quickly. In fact, my niece said the two and a half hours felt like only 45 minutes. Evening performances start at 7:30 p.m., giving you plenty of time to make it home before the clock strikes midnight. Don’t want to keep the kiddos out late? Your wish has been granted! Weekend matinees start at 2 p.m. on both Saturdays and Sundays.
Children under the age of six are not permitted at this show or any of the Broadway Rose’s mainstage productions. However, all ages are welcome at their upcoming teen summer workshop performances of Big Fish, playing at the Broadway Rose New Stage, August 17-19.
Ticket prices for Cinderella run between $30-$60 for adults, with discounts for youth and young professionals. Thanks to the Arts for All program, Oregon Trail cardholders can purchase tickets for just five dollars. No matter where you sit in the large but intimate auditorium, you’ll have a great view. Cinderella closes August 20, so get your tickets here before the magic disappears!
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