4-H Summer Camps

4-H Summer Camps

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5390 4 H Road Northwest, Salem, OR, USA 97304

Meet new people, have fun, and experience the great outdoors with Oregon 4-H this summer. You belong here!

Have you paddled a canoe, ridden a horse or made a tie dyed shirt before? 4-H Camp provides opportunities to learn about wildlife, natural science, technology (GPS or Robots), astronomy and even cooking! 4-H Camps, like all 4-H programs, focus on helping youth find their spark, learn lifelong skills, and thrive as leaders, explorers, and innovators.  So check it out, and find the camp that is right for you. Which ever camp you pick, it will be the best thing you did all summer! All youth are welcome at any session of 4-H Summer Camp, and you don't have to be a 4-H member to join us. Camp is for everyone! We have seven different weeks to choose from this year, each with its own host counties and theme, so find a week that works for you, and know that you'll be making local friends and memories that last a lifetime.

For 3rd-5th Graders:

  • Wildlife Stewards camp: July 3-6
  • Multicultural Celebration: August 8–12

For 4th–8th Graders:

  • 4 Rivers Camp: June 28–July 2
  • July Wild West Camp:  July 11–15
  • August Wild West Camp:  August 15–19
  • Clackamas County 4-H Camp: July 18–22
    • This year's theme is Stars and Constellations
  • Multicultural Celebration: August 8–12

For All Grades:

August 8-12 is a multicultural celebration with campers from Grades 3–8 coming together for a week of fun and learning with an added focus on Spanish-language options and cultural experiences for all!

Most activities at Multicultural Camp will be either for grades 3-5 or 4-8, and cabins and groups will be separated by age.

Phone: 503-371-7920
Organization Email: 4hcampregistrar@oregonstate.edu

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