Sauvie Island Center’s Farm Camp

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Farm Camp Fun!
P.O. Box 10422, P.O. Box 10422 97296

Sauvie Island Center’s Farm Camp is outdoor experience where children are outside all day, every day soaking up the fresh air and sunshine. Each day at camp is a new adventure as we explore and learn on our site at Topaz Farm.  The day starts with an opening circle where we might do some Sauvie Island Center yoga while listening for the call of the Red-winged blackbird.  Much of our day includes time in the Grow Lunch Garden, campers very own farm row. Together we learn about the land, care for the soil, and plant and taste all kinds of vegetables.  We may even learn about new friends like the Pacific Treefrogs who often nestle in rows colorful rainbow chard. And what camp would be complete without  traditional activities like games, camp songs, arts and crafts. Each day we focus on different parts of the Sauvie Island Center curriculum including:

  • Soil Exploration: Dig in and learn about healthy soil.
  • Seed to Harvest: Plant, tend and harvest the Grow Lunch Garden.
  • Plant Parts Investigation: Explore the farm and plants we can eat.
  • Wildlife & Food Web: Who else has been foraging on the farm?
  • Pollination Station: Meet these hard-working farm friends.

At the Sauvie Island Center we recognize we are growing and learning on unceded lands of the Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde, who represent a portion of the original inhabitants of this land. The island known as Sauvie Island was home to a band of the Multnomah People of the Chinook Nation.

Phone: 503.341.8627
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