Discover 81 Protected Places with the Coalition of Oregon Land Trusts’ New Map

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Thanks to the Coalition of Oregon Land Trusts, Oregonians may download a map with 81 places to visit, including eight in Portland, covering more than 100,000 acres — comparable to the Oregon State Parks system. One of the featured places is Keller Woodlands in the Portland Metro Area.

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The map (in Spanish or English) is the first of its kind to show all the places around Oregon that are open to the public and were made possible thanks to land trusts. The map also gives a brief description of each site along with information on trail availability and ADA accessibility for visitors. It provides parents and families a variety of options to get outdoors this summer and discover new places. Those who sign up to get the map will also receive an email announcing the release of a free board game for families coming this summer.

Get your map here, and start exploring!

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