Featured School of the Week: Frontier Charter Academy

From our friends at Frontier Charter Academy

Are you searching for the right online school for your student?

Frontier Charter Academy utilizes open-source curriculum and the theories and best practices of project-based learning, inquiry-based learning, and 21st century skills to create a more authentic and meaningful learning experience for your student(s). Frontier Charter Academy serves grades KG through 12 for all Oregon residents for a full-time virtual learning experience.

True Non-Profit

Unlike many online schools, Frontier Charter Academy is not run by a for-profit company, which means all money stays in the state of Oregon and is used to improve the student experience. Because the money is not going to a for-profit company, FCA can pay teaching staff better, keep class sizes small, and give every student a state-of-the-art Chromebook as well as every family an internet stipend.

Great Teachers

The Center for Public Education reports that teachers have a bigger impact on student success than curriculum, class size, or any other factors in school. Frontier Charter Academy sought out the best online instructors to help shape the school. The entire teaching staff is highly qualified, certified Oregon residents with unique backgrounds. These teachers have taught college courses, worked in small press publishing, produced podcasts, worked in science labs, served as a ghostwriter for a prominent tech company, and a host of other experiences that inform how they teach.

More Learning and Less Testing

Too many schools focus on preparing students for standardized tests. The American Federation of Teachers reported that students lose in between 60-100 instructional hours of a school year to test prep. That’s 60-100 hours in which students are not learning new content and skills. Instead of test prep, Frontier Charter Academy uses those valuable instructional hours for instruction. When FCA focuses on the skills students need for college and a career after high school, students can apply those skills to demonstrate competency on standardized tests.

Skills for Tomorrow

Curriculum should aid in fostering skills like digital literacy, problem solving, reasoning, collaboration, creativity, interpretation, and analysis to help the student in all the situations they encounter. Because technological advances like the smartphone have rendered skills like rote memorization less important, students should learn how to retrieve, synthesize, evaluate, and think critically about the extensive library of information found online. Frontier Charter Academy focuses on those skills that will serve students in life beyond school.

2020-2021 Enrollment

Registration will open for the 2020-21 school year in early April. The enrollment process is completed entirely online and an enrollment specialist will be available to support during the process.

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