Run into a Lifetime Sport with The Launch Team

From our friends The Launch Team

Kids need new challenges and ways to push their limits, a way to get off the couch and away from the ever-present digital noise of their lives. They need something that doesn’t require elaborate equipment, dedicated spaces to practice in, or a team of people to participate (although more people is more fun).  

Running provides all of that and more.  

Running allows everyone to participate. One doesn’t have to be the most talented, the most agile, or the fastest to run. 

Running challenges everyone, from the never-run-a-day-in-my-life beginner to the Olympic athlete. Competing with yesterday and former selves pushes all athletes to persevere and try harder tomorrow.

Running builds confidence. Each run builds on the last, and every breath gets easier with each practice.

Running is a community. Runners can do so in solitude, but the camaraderie and friendship that comes from running with a group or in an organized race is special. Runners look out for each other, console each other when someone is hurt, and cheer every victory, no matter how great or small.

So where to start? Many adults start with an app like Couch to 5K, but kids need more guidance. The Launch Team is offering such guidance this summer in Portland, with half marathon training starting July 18th at Duniway Park Track. Aimed at introducing new runners to the sport, as well as helping seasoned runners take it to the next level, the Launch Team’s goal is to develop a life-long love of running by giving kids the tools they need to get there.

Athletes who join the team receive a free entry into the Portland Half Marathon on October 6th, team shirt, and (while supplies last) wireless Aftershokz headphones.  Training starts July 18th, with team practices twice a week at Duniway Park Track.  

Want to get in on the fun, too?  Parents are welcome to join the team when their kids sign up.

The Launch Team’s youth and family half marathon training will get your child ready to earn all the bragging rights that come with being first kid on the block to complete a half marathon. To learn more, check out the team’s Instagram @thelaunchteampdx or their website Use discount code PDXPARENT to save $10 on registration.

PDX Parent Staff
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