Start your weekend off right with the Free Friday Night Movies presented by HAPO Community Credit Union. Arrive at 7 p.m. to enjoy fun activities from our community partners before the movie begins. All movies are close captioned. Food and refreshments are available to purchase from local vendors or bring a picnic to enjoy. Alcohol is not permitted in parks.
- July 12: Shrek (PG) at Bagley Community Park
- Arrive at 6 p.m. to explore the Family Resource Night presented by Akin
- C-TRAN Option: Vine on Fourth Plain (Green)
- July 19: Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax (PG) at Nikkei Neighborhood Park
- Pre-movie activities provided by Stormwater Partners SW Washington
- Free parking is available at Image Elementary School
- July 26: School of Rock (PG-13) at Marshall Community Park
- Pre-movie activities provided by Chamber Music NW and Sound Truck NW
- C-TRAN Option: Vine on Fourth Plain (Green)
- Aug. 2: West Side Story – 1961 (PG) at Esther Short Community Park
- Pre-movie activities provided by Vancouver Arts & Music Festival
- C-TRAN Options: Vine on Fourth Plain (Green), Vine on Mill Plain (Red), Route 2, Route 25, Route 31, Route 32, Route 41, Route 60, Route 71, Route 105
- Aug. 9: Wish (PG) at Fruit Valley Neighborhood Park
- Pre-movie activities provided by Port of Vancouver
- C-TRAN Option: Route 6
- Aug. 16: Migration (PG) at David Douglas Community Park
- C-TRAN Options: Vine on Mill Plain (Red) or Route 32
- Aug. 23: Barbie (PG-13) at Columbia Tech Center Park
- C-TRAN Options: Vine on Mill Plain (Red) or Route 74