At-home Education Resources

We’re all worried about keeping our kids’ learning on track while schools are closed. Find some great ideas for school-closure lessons here.

Get tips on how to structure home learning during the closure as well lessons for all grades at Or download the Khan Academy Kids app to a tablet. 

Watch or participate in engaging, expert-led activities for babies, toddlers and preschoolers. Use the code “homefun1” for access:

Find mini science lesson videos for kindergarteners through fifth graders here:

High school seniors worried about AP Test prep can find help at

Find a treasure trove of videos, lessons and handouts for pre-k to high school students at

Publisher Scholastic has pre-K to middle school lessons on topics ranging from spiders to the chemistry behind extreme candy at

If you are looking for a way to step away from the computer and still promote learning, you can get outside and teach your kids about nature’s pollinators and where their food comes from. Through Rent Mason Bees, you can host mason bees in your backyard and teach kids how their “baby bees” will help farmers make more food.

Denise Castañon
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